10 Natural Ways To Alleviate Allergies

10 natural methods to alleviate allergies

10 Natural Ways To Alleviate Allergies

10 natural methods to alleviate allergies

I’ve struggled with allergies every since I was a young child. If you listened to my TEDx talk you’ll know that 4 times a year, every single year, I would get debilitating allergy attacks that would cause me to miss school for weeks on end. I had a runny nose, watery eyes, croupy cough, sore throat; it was not a fun time.

When I changed my diet, not only did I drop to a healthy weight and overcome my anxiety and depression, but I my allergies also went away. For the past 4 years, I have not had a severe allergy attack.

However, sometimes I will get little bouts of nose itchiness and a runny nose for just a couple of days. When I can feel that it’s a cold, I use these remedies. On the rare occasions where I do feel like they may be allergies, today’s post will share with you the 10 natural ways I deal with them.

#1 Stinging Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle has numerous beneficial properties. The one property that’s going to work wonders for allergies is its ability to act like an anti-inflammatory. Allergies are often a result of excess inflammation (thus cleaning up your diet can be the magic pill). Stinging nettle tea will help de-inflame the airways and prevent uncomfortable symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing.

Elder, Elderberries, Berries, Juice, Fruits
Elderberry syrup has long been used to alleviate allergy symptoms

#2 Elderberry Tea/Syrup

The flowers of the elder plant are known to be a super effective herbal allergy remedy. Elderberry has a fantastic ability to improve immune function and calm inflammation and some herbalists say it is one of the most effective herbs used for treating hay fever.

Here’s the organic brand of elderberry that I use.

#3 Vitamin C

Supplementing Vitamin C is just an all around great idea. You can read more about it in my post, “The supplements I take and why I take them“. Vitamin C is a great immune booster and full of anti-histamines (histamines bind to receptors in the blood causing redness, swelling, and itching). By blocking histamine, the symptoms of allergies can be kept at bay.

It’s important to remember that not all supplements are created equal. A high quality brand that I recommend is Dr. Mercola’s Vitamin C.

#4 Vitamin D

Along with Vitamin C, Vitamin D is something we should be taking every single day. Most Americans are already deficient in this vitamin which shows up as a whole host of other problems. Vitamin D may not directly help with relieving your allergy symptoms, but in the long run it will help lower inflammation in the body and studies have shown it can help prevent the cold.

Dr. Mercola is again a great and super high quality place to get your Vitamin D.

#5 Probiotic

A lot of inflammation starts in the gut. Sugar, wheat, gluten, and chemicals wreak havoc on our insides, creating lots and lots of inflammation and an environment perfect for bad bacteria to grow. Taking a probiotic will help to rebuild the good gut flora and heal the gut-lining where toxins and allergens are most likely entering into your blood stream.

#6 Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has been a new find of mine that I have found to work very well with allergy relief. Colloidal silver is a natural anti-inflammatory and really helps soothe inflamed sinus passages. Colloidal silver tends to clump into tiny nanoparticles that can remain in the sinus cavity helping destroy tiny bacteria and other pathogens that could be prolonging an allergic response.

Here’s a trustworthy and high quality colloidal silver nasal spray.

Honey, Sweet, Syrup, Organic, Golden, Teaspoon, Pouring
Honey propolis is a great anti-inflammatory

#7 Propolis Throat Spray

I’ve been using a propolis throat spray for the past 3 years and it is both delicious and extremely helpful in alleviating my allergy symptoms. It provides natural immune support, helps with scratchy throats, is a great germ fighter, and is extremely antioxidant rich. It’s a super cheap and super effective way to help with allergies.

Here’s the spray I use and highly recommend.

#8 Rootology

Rootology has been a god-send. I first learned about it last year and it helped my allergies disappear within hours. If you are looking for immediate relief, look no further than rootolgoy. It’s a combination of vitamins and herbs that absolute demolish allergies and your symptoms. Here’s where you can get yours now!

Ginger, Powder, Cooking, Ingredients, Fragrant
Turmeric one of the best foods to combat allergy symptoms

#9 Turmeric

If you don’t want to have to go out and buy supplements and herbs, you might be able to find some great allergy relief products right in your kitchen. Tumeric contains curcumin (a decongestant), acts as an anti-histamine, has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and acts as a natural inhibitor for allergies. It’s got everything you need. You can peel it, chop it, and eat it, or throw it in your stinging nettle tea (or other favorite tea)!

#10 ION Biome

ION Biome is for the person looking to get rid of allergies permanently and even potentially help with a number of other chronic illnesses. ION is a tasteless liquid that works at the gut lining, where 70% of your immune system resides, to strengthen your barrier function, defend against environmental toxins, and support respiratory wellness. It’s a total game changer that I highly recommend you to learn more about and incorporate into your life.


If you use these 10 things on a regular basis, your allergies will stand no chance. Even if you aren’t suffering from the symptoms of allergies, these supplements, herbs, and products greatly enhance the functioning of your immune system and will keep sickness at bay.

Do you know of any other natural methods to heal allergies?

Let me know in the comments.

Until next time, Stay Well, Stay Healthy, and Thrive!

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Jacob is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, TEDx speaker, and host of The Wellness Warrior Podcast where he helps young adults radically transform their life through lifestyle and mindset shifts. If you are stuck in feelings of shyness, imposter syndrome, untapped potential, unworthiness, or fear, Jacob can help guide you to cut ties from your past conditioning, remember who you really are, and create a life of fulfillment and freedom.

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