I’ve been on this mission to help as many people as I can improve their mindset, radically transform their health, and get back time to do what matters most to them. On this journey, I’ve seen this common theme come up over and over and it’s that I can’t help anyone unless they are ready to take responsibility for themselves; they’ve got to take responsibility for their mindset, their habits, their situation, everything. If you want to keep making excuses, coming up with stories as to why this and why that, I can’t help you create lasting change. I’ll say it again and many more times, but health is your responsibility.
Health doesn’t come from anyone but yourself
Your doctors cannot create health within you; they can only treat symptoms. The government cannot help you heal or protect you from any disease or virus; it comes down to the power of your immune system.
So many of us (myself included at one time), look to figures of authority for all of the answers. We act as if we need to be told what to do, how to act, and how to think. It’s like with anything in life, people can’t do the work for you. They can offer advise, give you all the information, but it’s your job to make it work for you. It’s your job to take action.
The same goes for health. Health is your responsibility. You’re the one who needs to stop blaming, complaining, and making excuses – once you do that, you can start making progress. It’s a simple decision.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be healthy?
That’s all there is too it.
Choosing the latter means you need to open up to the possibilities, be curious, and take steps to unlearn everything you think you know.
That’s hard for a lot of people – it goes right for the ego. But again, it all comes down to a personal choice.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be healthy?
Take responsibility
Accept yourself exactly where you are right now, but strive to get better. That’s some of the best advice I’ve ever heard. Don’t beat yourself up for where you are, accept it and do everything in your power to improve that situation.
When you take responsibility for your health, you can turn your life around a full 180 degrees. Millions of people have done it, and millions more are currently doing it. Don’t look for the answers outside of yourself – it’s only you that can make something happen.
Conclusion: focus on the host
If you want to be healthy, truly healthy, you need to let go of your current narrative and open yourself to the idea of different possibilities. You write your story. You don’t need anyone else to write it for you. Once you take responsibility, you give yourself the power of choice. Once you have a choice, you can steer your life in any direction your choose.