My Personal Growth and Blog Journey Week 99

personal growth and blog journey week 99

My Personal Growth and Blog Journey Week 99

personal growth and blog journey week 99

Another week has gone by and summer feels like it is just flying by. In just over a month I’ll be back at school trying to balance what already seems overwhelming during the summer; building a coaching practice, podcasting, blogging, making websites, etc. I’m confident I can handle it, but it’s definitely going to take some adjusting and elevation of my time-management skills. Let’s look at where I’m at with my personal growth and blog journey week 99!

This past week, I feel like I could a lot accomplished. As I mentioned per my last update, I spent the week journaling about how I was spending my time. Honestly, although most days it doesn’t feel like I’m getting much done, it’s crazy the amount of work that I’m pumping out. Although I do check my email and social media quite often, most of my time is filled creating content, listening to lectures at IIN, building websites, and learning about business and marketing.

Perhaps, my feelings of “slow-progress” come from me just being on overdrive all the time. Like I’ve trained myself to think that any second I’m not spending learning or working, I’m moving backwards.

It’s ok to slow down

During one of my health histories, I had a good talk with an IIN classmate about slowing down. When discussing his major breakthroughs in life, we found that were triggered when he took his foot off the gas and just assessed where he was and where he was heading. I even wrote a post on it this week which I would definitely recommend reading.

I think it’s funny how sometimes to move faster and achieve even new levels of success, we have to stop and do nothing. Thanks for the irony universe.

Revisiting Goals

Here’s a recap:

  • Get a sponsored post for the blog (from a brand I use and trust)
  • Reach 100,000+ views on the blog (currently around 73k)
  • Grow my Instagram to 250 followers
  • Conduct 20 Health Histories by the end of summer
  • Write in my evening journal consistently for a month
  • Grow Health Quest2.0 to 100 email subscribers and 500 Instagram followers – IG live health coaching sessions, mastermind, giveaways, etc
  • Earn a minimum of $500 from Fiverr gigs
  • Get familiar with my finances

Crazy enough, this week I was approached by a brand asking if I’d like to partner and do a sponsored post for them. Talk about manifestation…. almost. Unfortunately, it was not a brand that I know and trust therefore I could not accept the offer. But my first goal is definitely making progress and if I take the initiative to send out some emails I’m certain I’ll have one by the end of summer.


My Instagram page is slowly chugging along, I’m just about to hit the 200 mark. I’ve been doing some research and it takes consistency, time, and lots of connecting to start doing well on Instagram. A little tip I picked up somewhere is for every 5 minutes I have spared, spend time commenting on relevant hashtags, liking others posts, sending dm’s to people, and liking comments to start building authority and ranking in the algorithms.

Health Histories

I’m on track! I’ve done 3 so far, have one more scheduled, and will be getting more on the calendar later today! They are super fun and I’m really learning a lot just by listening to other people’s stories, ideas, and histories.

Evening Journal

I still can’t solidify this one. I haven’t had my mind on it enough to stick with it for more than 2 days. Reminder is set in my phone right now, journal is at my bed, and I’m doing this one this week.

Health Quest2.0

Health Quest2.0 is a fantastic podcast that I highly recommend listening too. We just released our 10th episode and have so much more incredible content coming your way.

If you want to learn what it’s about you can right here!


I just finished yet another website, and have published a gig to make websites specifically for Health Coaches! Still hoping to reach the goal of $500.

All in all, I’m making decent progress on my goals but I can still do more, I can push harder and go faster, I’ve just got to get organized and clear on my vision and break everything down into tiny action steps.

This week’s blog posts

That’s all for my personal growth and blog journey week 99 update, until the next week…

Stay Well, Stay Healthy, and Thrive!

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Hey, I’m Jacob Kenneally. I’m determined to help ambitious young adults step into their potential and create their dream lives. Get started with my free morning routine guide.

About Jacob Kenneally

Jacob is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, TEDx speaker, and host of The Wellness Warrior Podcast where he helps young adults radically transform their life through lifestyle and mindset shifts. If you are stuck in feelings of shyness, imposter syndrome, untapped potential, unworthiness, or fear, Jacob can help guide you to cut ties from your past conditioning, remember who you really are, and create a life of fulfillment and freedom.

Are you feeling stuck?

I provide an opportunity to experience what coaching with me is like, free of charge, and then if we are a good fit together, we can talk about the investment! There is absolutely no pressure or obligation to work with me if it isn’t in alignment with you. I look forward to speaking with you!

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