What Is A Vision Board?

how to use a vision board, photos

What Is A Vision Board?

how to use a vision board, photos

I’m a huge believer in the law of attraction — and especially in the transformative power of vision boards.

“Hey Jacob? What IS a vision board exactly?”

That’s a good question!  If you’ve never made one before, you might be just as skeptical as I was at first.

Get comfy and hang tight.  I’ve got answers for you…

A Vision Board is quite literally a visual, tangible representation of the life that you want to live — it’s a collection of images and notes attached to a board and placed somewhere that you can see it every day.

Sounds simple enough, but you probably want to know something a little deeper than that.

A vision board, at its core, is a visual representation of all the things you want to do, be, and have in your life.

It’s a daily reminder of those things… of your deepest desires.

And it’s powerful.

Because ATTENTION is powerful, and where your attention goes, your energy flows.  

Just like when you buy a new car and start to notice that same model of car everywhere you go, a vision board works the same way.

When you put your attention on something specific, the reticular activating system in your brain constantly scans your environment for things that match and align with it.

It’s not that these opportunities(same car model) were not there before, it’s just that our brain paid no attention to them – so we didn’t notice them.

With a vision board placed in a space that you will see it multiple times every single day, your attention will constantly be focused on the thoughts, feelings, and goals you want to have in the future – training your brain to pick up on these opportunities that have gone unnoticed.

That is how the “Law of Attraction” works.

You put your focus on something for a long period of time, creating a burning desire for that thing, and then soon find that thing is a part of your life.

It’s not that we don’t have opportunities to be great.

The problem is we don’t notice them.

So to answer the question, what is a vision board?

It’s you.

Your dreams.

Your best self.

Just waiting to be.

Why should I make a vision board?

So I’ve answered “What is a vision board?” and explained a little about how it works, but now I’ll get into the question of “why should I make one? What is a vision board going to help me do?”

Well, there’s a lot of reasons you might want to make a vision board.

Maybe you’re in a transition period.

Maybe you’re feeling stagnant and need a boost.

Maybe you’re pretty happy, but you still know deep down that there’s more out there for you.

Maybe you want to completely change your life around.

Maybe you need a reminder of your “why”.

Maybe you need something to expand your perspective, remind you of what’s possible, and raise your necessity to go out and do it.

There isn’t a bad reason to make a vision board.

According to Christine Kane, a vision board is essentially going to help you answer three questions:

  1. If money, people’s opinions and judgements, and fear were not factors, what would do do, be, and have?
  2. What beliefs or things would you have to let go of to create this in your life?
  3. What would you have to believe in order to be, do, and have these things?

These are pretty big questions chances are you haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about them too much before.  A vision board will help you formulate this “best you” through the pursuit of these three questions.

Why can’t I just answer these questions in my head?

What makes a vision board so special?

Well, the process of sitting down to make a vision board forces you to do several things.

First of all, it translates your desires and thoughts into a real, tangible, physical thing.  Your thoughts become images that you see in the NOW – directing your attention and intention to your grandest desires.

Seeing these images multiple times a day, 7 days a week, makes them just a little more real in your mind – when they become real in your mind, it will become real in your life.

Second, creating a vision board makes you get clear and aligned with your deepest self and its TRUE desires, making you really take time to think about and envision the life you truly want.  If you want to learn more about the power of visualization, check out my post on The Power Of Visualization.

All of this is crucial to begin attracting the life you want, whether it’s in regards to health, wealth, happiness, relationships, spirituality, school grades, love, whatever.

How Do I make A Vision Board?

You’re ready to take your life to the next level and start attracting everything that you know you deserve.  Now you want to know how to make your own vision board.

You’ll need some glue, a wide variety of magazines or newspapers and a poster board.

But there’s more… You need your true desires, and to know what you really want most.

So think about the person you want to be in the future, what do you want to have accomplished, how do you want others to describe you, where do you want to live, what do you want to be doing?

Put it on a vision board.

Look at it every day.

And one day, you’ll be there.

The vision board is your path to the YOU that you really want to be.

If you’re interested in going paleo, I wrote a tutorial that will explain everything and help you get started right now.  In college? I’ve got a super detailed guide on how to maintain your diet and find the resources you need to stay healthy !  Have any questions about anything? I’m happy to help!


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About Jacob Kenneally

Jacob is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, TEDx speaker, and host of The Wellness Warrior Podcast where he helps young adults radically transform their life through lifestyle and mindset shifts. If you are stuck in feelings of shyness, imposter syndrome, untapped potential, unworthiness, or fear, Jacob can help guide you to cut ties from your past conditioning, remember who you really are, and create a life of fulfillment and freedom.

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